In today's hectic world, it can be challenging to make time for dental appointments. Our office understands the demands of your busy daily schedule and values your time. We take pride in offering the latest solutions to deliver precise, top-quality dental care that's convenient and stress-free. With the CEREC® Primemill unit, our office can fabricate attractive and long-lasting same-day crowns and restorations quicker than ever before!
All it takes is a few minutes!
As the fastest-ever chairside milling unit on the market today, the CEREC Primemill uses the latest technology to fabricate a crown in just minutes. Compatible with leading-edge optical scanning and integrated software systems, the CEREC Primemill unit takes the exact specs of the patient's prepared tooth and fabricates a precision-fitting ceramic restoration while the patient waits. In addition to reducing the milling time of your restoration, this remarkable technology eliminates the wait time for lab work and the need for a temporary restoration. It offers unparalleled convenience, efficiency, and an exceptional patient experience.